House of Prose - an online bookstore with a difference!

An Australian First

House Of Prose is an online bookstore with a difference, and an Australian first.

By establishing a haven for independently published works
and celebrating the excellence of Australia’s home-grown authors, we offer a
genuine opportunity to explore a diverse array of literary treasures all in one

Dive in and grab yourself a piece of Australian history today!

Launching Soon!

Emilie Tunstill

I'm Em Tunstill, mama-of-two and author from Adelaide.

I've always had a passion for writing. But there's nothing quite like having kids to bring out your inner child, creativity and imagination. In 2023 I pursued my dream of becoming an author. That dream has now become a reality with the release of my debut book, The First Year.

My gorgeous children are my source of inspiration and motivation. Reading stories to them brings me (and them) immense joy. I hope that my book will be shared between a mother and her baby with that same love and connection.

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  • 12 October, 2024

    Tranquil Getaways on Obi, Maleny, Queensland

  • Writer's Event

    Budding storyteller, keen writer, or independently published author - look no further! The event to expand your insights into self-publishing is here, with industry experts presenting on topics such as printing, publishing, marketing and sales, personal brand, book coaching, book cover design, and legals - we've got you covered!

  • Bonus Offer

    Free Book Launch (or re-launch!) package with every purchase.

    Package includes in-store event, advertising, listing with House of Prose, photography, and more!

    Don't miss out - tickets are limited!

    Head over to our Events page to book your ticket today!

  • Angela De Palma

    Fast track your personal author goals through leveraged personal branding

  • Jason Leigh Smith

    Untangling the printing and publishing world - what you need to know about bringing your book to life

  • Riz McDonald

    Protecting your creative rights - the legal advice all creatives needs to hear

  • Alicia Grady

    Do you judge a book by its cover?

    How to maximise your book’s
    impact with strategic design choices. Graphical design expert, and founder of Struck By Violet

  • Michael Jorgensen

    The marketing & sales guru of FY Consulting! The fastest growing agency, with proven track record of supporting author brands

  • Mary Wong

    Self-leadership, book coaching and story line expert and founder of Optimal Life Solutions

Meet our Authors behind these books!

Mary Garden

Mary Garden is a freelance journalist, with a PhD in journalism (USC). Her writing has appeared in a range of publications worldwide, including The Weekend Australian, The New Zealand Herald, Meanjin and The Guardian. Her memoir The Serpent Rising: a journey of spiritual seduction, a memoir of her years in India in the 1970s, won the High-Country Indie Book Award 2021. Sundowner of the Skies, a biography of her father, was short-listed for the NSW Premier’s History Award 2020 for a book of international significance. Her new book, My Father’s Suitcase, is a memoir of family violence and sibling abuse.

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Stephanie Rowe

Self published two books, Fiercely ME & The World In Our Words, a poetry book with 22 other poets in it.

She has always written and enjoy spoken word performances and how the mix of writing and spoken word performance can dance together. She is an advocate for authors and have started Indie Pages.

Fiercely Me embraces the depths of oneself, welcoming and owning all parts. She speaks about her lived experiences, both joyful and traumatic. Steph shares how she learned to overcome debilitating depression, the return of suppressed childhood memories, as well as severe domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Determined to learn the skills that weren’t taught to her, Steph diligently set herself on a path of healing, self-development and resilience. Rewarding her with a creative and flourishing life.

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Fay Calderone

Fay Calderone is a force to be reckoned with in the field of employment law, boasting over two decades of experience. As a strategic advisor to top-tier employers, she has shaped policies and trained boards and
executives on fostering safe, healthy, and respectful workplaces.

Her work transcends traditional legal advice; she’s known for her transformative approach that champions the human aspects of work, ensuring inclusivity and dignity are at the core of workplace cultures.

Fay’s visionary perspective is not just about navigating the law but about leading the change towards safer and more inclusive workplaces that enable humans to thrive.

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Ryll Ganter

Ryll Ganter, or Nana Ryll, was born in Brisbane, Australia in 1951. At the age of fourteen Ryll began work in the fashion industry. After many years of dedicated work she opened her own bridal design business receiving her first highly acclaimed fashion award in 1987.

Friends of the Flood is an Australian children’s story
inspired by the January 2011 floods that swept
across our great southern land.
The rain is pouring down and the river is rising fast.
Our Aussie bush animals are trapped and their lives are in great danger...who will save them? It could be the most unlikely hero of them all!

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Carolyn Winchcombe

Carolyn Winchcombe is a teacher by day, author by night. She has 13 years of experience as a high school educator in Tasmania and has recently published her debut picture book “Paper Perfect” (with accompanying educational resources).

Carolyn believes in the transformative power of words and seeks to inspire, educate, and challenge readers of all ages to consider new perspectives.

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Mirja Camphausen

In 2021, Mirja publisher her children's book "Heroes of the Quest - An Impossible Team", the first one in a series.

Mirja is a blogger on mental health, parenting, and spirituality. Follow her writing on Amongst others, she has been featured as a guest blogger on

Mirja was born in Germany and has lived in Sydney, Australia since 2012. She loves traveling, spending time with her family, having deep conversations, great coffee, dark chocolate and the magic of words.

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Chelsea Luker

Chelsea Luker, a psychologist in Northern New South Wales, Australia, founded Connect Us Psychology to support those with Autism and ADHD. Her book delves into the lives of neurodivergent individuals, drawing from her own experiences as an Autistic ADHDer and mother of two neurodivergent children. Chelsea's mission is to create a world where diversity is celebrated, inviting readers to join her on this journey towards understanding and acceptance.

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Carrie-Ann McLean

Carrie-Ann McLean's life journey has been marked by overcoming crippling debt, addictions, and homelessness. Once depressed, stressed and ashamed, Carrie-Ann found hope and determination to turn her life around. By working on her mindset, taking accountability, and learning effective strategies to get out of debt and overcome addictions, she transformed her life.

In Budget Right, Carrie-Ann shares the tools, processes, and knowledge she acquired during her journey, empowering you to achieve financial freedom and personal wellbeing too.

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Independently Published

House of Prose is the home of independently published authors, and their brilliant works. Here you find books in a wide array of genres, both fiction and non-fiction, for children and adults alike.

We are a platform for discovery, where the rich and diverse voices of Australia are represented and celebrated.